The latest in my occasional video series showing off games on less well known systems features the Fujitsu FM7. Another Japan only home computer, it was originally released in 1982 and seemed to enjoy a reasonable level of popularity, competing with the PC8801 and X1. Later on in the udgraded but fully backward compatible FM77 series was released, with superior graphics and sound making it a pretty capable gaming system.
In this video I've featured a few games for the original unexpanded FM7 and a few for the fancier FM77 model. I suppose I could have done different videos for both the machines, but the FM77 seems more like an upgrade than a different system so I ended up combining them.
Silpheed is really the stand out title here, it's a lot of fun to play and the graphics and sound are very impressive for the system. Some of the other games were a bit disappointing, they often look better than they play, but Wibarm may be something of a hidden gem if I could work out what the hell was going on.